The master watched carefully for signs that the ethereal curtain
would soon come into alignment. The bones of his minions had been
cautiously collected and prepared, and the incantations spoken.
Soon, the spirits would awake. Very soon.
Monday, October 30
As the year of preparations finally came to a close, the membrane
between the worlds became less distinct. The curtain began to peel
back, so that the dead may look upon the world of the living once
more. Bones shook, as ghostly wisps floated unseen. Samhain was
close at hand.
Tuesday, October 31
The cloak of night swept in, and the witching hour arrived swiftly. The master completed the
final incantation, and his minions awoke once again. A loud crack was heard, and a
mistake had been made... a small undesired imp appeared and began to feast upon the
bones amongst the graves, only to vanish once again before morning's light. Soon
all would be quiet once again, with the minions laid to rest until next year.
The Morning After
The 2006 progress page has been moved. There are more pictures of
my Detritus scarecrow too.