Year one of the grave plot. Also, first of the custom artificial JOLs, first aged bones, and first glowing eyes. |
New lighting, scarecrow, talking skulls, and corn stalks. Also, stone wall "scene setters". |
New ghost, cauldron, and "crispy" skeleton. |
New haunted tree, dusty skeleton, coffin, and fence. |
New skeleton, ghost counterweight, more lights. |
Candles, new scarecrow head, new skeleton body for old head, new legs for previously
legless skeletons, AC power for skulls, more blacklights for ghost. |
Return of the cornstalks & lanterns, more leaves, noose, coffin liner. |
Reduced display due to Hurricane Sandy and time constraints. No new props, except a previously unused reaper. |
New location. Adapted props for the yard instead of concrete driveway. Electrified more pumpkins. Added luminaria jars and blinky-googly eyes. |
Experimentation with fog, pumpkins, lights. Otherwise little change. |
Four new gravestones. |
Two new plastic skeletons, and a pair of ghosts. Orange lights on left-side tree. Replaced several Jack-o-Lanterns. |
New wooden fence sections. |
Two new gravestones, repositioned skeletons to be more upright. |
Sick, and bad weather. Display was minimal. Added small white pumpkins as walkway boundary. Turned graveyard 45 degrees for visibility from the driveway. |
Two additional plastic skellies, LED accent floods, LED blacklights for ghost, light boxes, candy patch, and two new gravestones. |
More fence sections, with more painting, "Candymat" (laundry line for candy), one more gravestone, another plastic skeleton, additional lighting. |
One more new skeleton, 3 new gravestones, various repairs and painting.. |