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2008 2008

Prop ideas in motion...

November 4, 2008

Display is down, as of last night. That was the longest run yet, at 5 days and 5 nights. So far, I've been letting the weather reports dictate the schedule. In the future, I want to weatherproof more of the props if I can.

The 2009 progress has started.

October 30, 2008

Main 2008 page is up.

October 29, 2008

Display is up! More pictures soon.

Setup time: 3 hours.

October 25, 2008

Different lighting.

October 22, 2008

I have a skeleton! The head and jaw actually flop around, so it can be somewhat posed in "dead" poses. I still want to paint the teeth, but I can do that any time.

October 21, 2008

Painting both props. They're almost done. The skeleton still needs his eyes, and the tree needs the flourescent backing to go inside the face. Unless that looks stupid, in which case he may get a black backing.

October 17, 2008

Last photo of the tree before painting, and the last photo of the skeleton before webbing.

Stupid branch sagged on me again. *sigh*

October 9, 2008

Progress on corpsing and the dead tree is being made!

October 8, 2008

I totally want to make a set of hands like this someday: http://softlyspokenmagicspells.com/halloween/death.html

I've been thinking about the idea of a more complex skeleton costume with actual spaces between and behind the bones, and an articulated hand. I've seen this link before, but I just looked at it again. Of course, once again, I'm thinking of this late in the season and can't possibly do it this year.

October 5, 2008

Corpsing test using liquid nails, and also started on the dead evil tree (starting with the roots).

October 4, 2008

First spook of the season...

September 30, 2008

31 days left! Tomorrow is October. Over the next week, I plan to hang the ghost, break out some of the basic decorations, and get cracking on my new skeleton. I can't believe I haven't really started on this year's projects yet. This is really late. I probably won't have much new this year, as a result. :(

July 23, 2008

100 days left! Are you ready? I haven't even started!

April 29, 2008

185 days to go, we're just about at the half-way mark between Halloweens. I'm knee-deep in other projects, such as the droid, among other things, but I'm getting excited about Halloween again. I'm tempted to try to build some new props this year and change up the lighting a little bit. Still plenty of time to plan!

February 27, 2008

Yes, I realize I haven't yet made the 2007 season's video yet. Patience grasshopper... :)

November 28, 2007

Several weeks later...

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